
Contact Details:

Name   Contact number   Email address   Link to linkedIn   Link to gitHub  
Tuula Flynn   07123456789  tuula.c.flynn@gmail.com  Tuula's LinkedIn Tuula's GitHub
A picture of 3 pairs of people sparring in kickboxing

A little about me...

Hey my name's Tuula I'm really interested in maths, computer science, physics and art. For me physical energy is just as important as mental energy so I like to exercise both my body and mind. I enjoy martial arts (I'm pictured sparring in the centre of the photo on this page from a training session with my university kickboxing team), cold water swimming, touch rugby and squash to name but a few. By nature I'm competitive which pushes me forward. I wholeheartedly respect the rules and regulations things are built upon. One of my strengths is my ability to involve myself in new things. Last summer I tried kite surfing for the first time and was exhilarated by the whole experience.

My inquisitive nature means I always like talking to people. I'm friendly open and get on well with people from all walks of life.

From a young age I've love discovering new places, recently I spent half a year travelling around Colombia. I took optional Spanish classes at university to develop my lingustic skills and it was rewarding to impove and see the progress I have made. It meant I was able to immerse myself better in the wonderful Colombian culture. I made many Colombian friends who I am excited to revisit one day.

A little of my skills and competencies

A little of my experiences

My work experience is varied as I've been working since the age of 13 - my first job was at a fish-mongers and my last job was contract work doing exhibition preperation for the V&A museum in London.

Some coding projects I have worked on and links to their code:

If you want to do some collabrative work with me please leave your details below!